Preschool Program

Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/thursday

9:00 - 11:30AM

Our preschool classes are acclaimed as among the best in Santa Cruz County. Hands-on learning engages children in developing their whole being, to become capable and enthusiastic learners. The curriculum for children includes art, music, dramatic play, emergent literacy, science, math, social development and large & fine motor activities.

Our positive discipline philosophy teaches respectful and effective ways of promoting cooperation. The conflict resolution skills that children learn will help them in their relationships with other people in and out of school for the rest of their lives.

There are two morning classes taught by Rachael Cash and consist of 13 children per class. Four parents are scheduled to work in the class each day making the adult-child ratio 1:3. Preschoolers and their parents participate in our developmental program emphasizing children's expression, ideas, creativity and social growth. The teacher provides training in supportive parenting techniques via seminars, observation, and discussion. Positive guidance and problem-solving strategies are emphasized. To qualify for enrollment, your preschooler must be 2.5 to 5 years old by September. Toilet learning is helpful but not required.


SCPENS turned out to be the best decision I’ve made for myself and my children. Our teacher and this program have taught me more of how to be a better parent than any of the books I’ve been reading for the last three years.
— Jeanne G.