Toddler Program
Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday
9:00 - 11:30am
SCPENS is the only parent education co-op in Santa Cruz that offers a toddler program. From as early as 15 months of age, your child will benefit from exploring our inviting classroom that’s rich with opportunities for play and discovery. Parents enjoy the chance to network with other adults, sharing the delights and challenges of parenting.
Our two toddler classes are taught by Darcy Valby and have spots for 12 children in each. Six to seven parents are scheduled to work in the classroom each day, making the adult-child ratio 1:2. Parents are welcome in the classroom and can stay as long as they feel their children need them nearby. The program emphasizes social and emotional development, exploration of the environment through the senses, and introduction to art and music activities. To qualify for enrollment, your child must be 15 months old by September of the enrolling year and no older than 30 months by the start of the school year. Toilet learning is not required.
“Hearing other parents talk about the problems they’re having with their children make you realize that you aren’t alone! ”
“I especially love that you always have time for me. ”