Date: Monday, July 10, 2020 Time: 7-9 p.m.
Location: Google Meet
Public Comments / Introductions
Approve June Minutes
Reopening - what we now know from PVUSD-WASCAE and Public Health
Budget for 2020-2021
Assign responsibility to draft budget for 2020-2021
Confirm estimated total income
Schedule bank meeting to add/remove signers
I. Add Stephanie Mc, Annie. Remove Ryan and Courtney.
Expected expenses - infrared thermometers, cleaning supplies
Calendar Updates
Set dates or establish deadline for 2020-2021 Calendar Submission
Orientation 9/3/2020 - Live and/or Google Meet?
Fundraisers (Equal Exchange no longer doing fundraisers?)
Field Trips: (Possible Locations: Live Earth, Pizza My Heart, Crystal Bay, Seymour Center, Natural Bridges)
Teacher Updates
Summer Expenses
Summer Open House
i. July 25 - Virtual Update
ii. Future Summer or Fall Open House date(s)
Yard Needs
Talking with Church about Yard Use
Cleaning out of Preschool room ASAP
Registration and Orientation
Email Registration packets to all 2020-21 members
Set Orientation
Documents to be updates for 2020-21 school year:
i. Parent Handbook
ii. Parent Participation Contract
iii. FAQ Document
Board Position Updates
Treasurer - Stephanie and Ryan to connect
i. Any outstanding fees/tuition payments from members
ii. Profit and losses for the month and year to date
iii. Fundraising total for 2019-20
i. Survey Monkey for work day
ii. Class openings
i. Fundraising totals for the year
ii. Sip and Bid: Status of Bargetto Winery wine sales
Support Jobs
i. Role changes to be made for 2019-20- social media manager
ii. Timing of Survey Monkey for support jobs
Marketing (unfilled)
Instagram account and Facebook page management
Update payment method for website
Website updates (teacher bios)